Stolen Wealth of Slavery

Review of The Stolen Wealth of Slavery by David Montero

In David Montero’s The Stolen Wealth of Slavery, I delved into the intricate web of economic exploitation woven through America’s history, exposing the complicity of Northern corporations in profiting from the enslavement of Black people. In this review, I explore Montero’s groundbreaking investigation and evaluate its significance in understanding the enduring impact of slavery on the modern economy.

Uncovering the Truth

Montero’s narrative challenged my conventional beliefs about the North’s innocence in the horrors of slavery. Through meticulous research, he revealed how major Northern banks and businesses, including Citibank and Bank of America, were instrumental in financing slavery and reaped substantial profits from it. By tracing the trajectory of wealth amassed from slave labor, Montero exposed the deep-rooted ties between slavery and America’s economic growth.

Redefining Narratives

“The Stolen Wealth of Slavery” confronted myths surrounding the beneficiaries of slavery, demonstrating that Northern institutions were among the primary beneficiaries. Montero shattered the notion that only wealthy Southern enslavers profited, highlighting the pivotal role of Northern businesses in perpetuating the institution of slavery for economic gain. By reframing historical narratives, Montero compelled me to reconsider my understanding of America’s economic history.

Challenges in Engagement

While Montero’s research is undeniably crucial, I found the book’s dense and repetitive nature challenging to navigate. The lack of personal connection to characters and the overwhelming amount of information presented hindered my engagement. Despite its importance, the book’s accessibility may be a barrier for some, leading them to seek alternative sources for information.


Overall, “The Stolen Wealth of Slavery” remains a very important book, shedding light on crucial aspects of America’s economic history. However, I couldn’t help but feel that the way the book was written could have been improved. Personally, I found it challenging to stay engaged with the dense and repetitive nature of the narrative. In hindsight, I believe I could have gained a similar understanding by seeking out a summary of the book online rather than reading it in its entirety. That being said, whether through reading the book or a summary, I don’t think readers will miss out on the vital insights it offers into the economic exploitation of Black lives and the urgent need for reparations.




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